
美国. S. 司法部定义了 偏见或仇恨事件(hbi) 作为不构成犯罪的偏见行为,不涉及暴力、威胁或财产损失. hbi是FSU的政策, 而不是法律上的犯罪行为, 与FSU的核心价值观背道而驰,并可能创造和助长排斥气氛. 作为公众, 教育机构, FSU is required to uphold the First Amendment which affords free speech and academic freedom in the classroom and scholarship.   

FSU多样性政策 确认其对重视多样性和鼓励包容氛围的校园环境的承诺.  大学重视言论自由、公开交流思想和表达有争议的观点.  不同的观点是大学话语的重要组成部分. 虽然这种开放性的价值保护了有争议的想法和观点, it does not protect harassment or conduct towards individuals that violates other University policies such as the policy against discriminatory conduct or disruptive behavior contained in the 社区标准及政策声明.  这项政策补充而不是取代大学反对歧视行为的政策. 每年,FSU将在其网站上提供一份报告,列出有关hbi的汇总数据.

偏见或仇恨事件的报告将由FSU进行调查.  如果报告的HBI包括可能违反其他大学政策的行为, the conduct will be reported to the appropriate University office responsible for investigating those policy violations. 成为乙肝病毒感染者的社区成员将得到适当的支持. 的 institution continues to eng年龄 in appropriate and effective acts to increase the cultural competency of its community members through educational endeavors. HBIs that have escalated to the status of a crime will be reported to the appropriate law enforcement 年龄ncy immediately. 

美国niversity is required to report 讨厌 crimes and 讨厌/bias motivated crime incidents by the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of 校园 Security and 校园 Crime Statistics Act (the “Clery Act”) and the Higher Education Opportunity Act (“HEOA”).  该信息位于 FSU警察局的网页.


原告是 一个个体,[i] 集团, 或组织经历了报告的HBI,无论该个人是否, 集团, 是哪个组织做的报告, 参与大学的检讨及调查, 或就违反本政策的行为提出正式投诉.

仇恨偏见事件(hbi) 涉及言语的事件, 写, 或者不是刑事犯罪的身体行为, 而是针对一个人因为他们实际的或感知的身份或群体成员. 

仇恨犯罪 是第10条规定的刑事犯罪吗, 副标题3, 以及联邦法律下的定义. 仇恨犯罪是针对有动机的人或财产实施的刑事犯罪, 全部地或部分地, 通过冒犯者对实际或感知的群体成员的偏见.  A 讨厌 crime is more than 进攻 speech or conduct; it is specific criminal behavior that ranges from property crimes like vandalism and arson to acts of intimidation, 攻击, 和谋杀. 

仇恨言论 is speech that is intended to insult or offend another person because of their actual or perceived identity or 集团 membership(s). 仇恨言论本身并不构成仇恨犯罪.  一般来说,美国宪法第一修正案.S. 宪法保护所有言论, 包括表达仇恨或冒犯思想的言论. Courts extend this protection on the grounds that the First Amendment requires the 政府ernment to strictly protect robust debate on matters of public concern even when such debate devolves into distasteful, 进攻, 或者让别人感到悲伤的仇恨言论, 愤怒, 或恐惧.

保护类 包括种族, color, 血统或国籍, 性, 性别认同或性取向, 年龄, 政治或宗教观点或从属关系, 残疾, 遗传信息, 婚姻状况, 或其他受法律保护的特征.

被调查者 是否有个人、团体或组织被指控为HBI.



This policy outlines and affirms 澳门十大赌城官方网站's commitment to providing a welcoming educational environment that fosters critical evaluations of the intersections of individual and community identities and values, 同时保障个人在思想和观点交流方面的自由. FSU禁止所有学生, 工作人员, 教职员工不得犯下或参与州和联邦法律规定的任何仇恨犯罪, 或者任何偏见行为, 讨厌, 或在违反大学校园政策的行为中表现出偏见, 有关大学物业, 或者参加大学赞助的活动. 本政策为可能目睹或经历过此类行为并希望举报此类行为的人提供指导.




鼓励书面投诉.  如果有口头投诉, the Senior DEI Officer will work with the Complainant to complete the 澳门十大赌城官方网站投诉表格 and require that the Complainant acknowledge its accuracy in writing.  DEI高级官员将通过发送通知信确认收到投诉, 电子邮件, 或在收到投诉后的五(5)个工作日内直接联系投诉人.  A complaint must be registered with ODEI within 60 calendar days of reasonable knowledge of the occurrence of the alleged act(s). 在证明有正当理由的情况下,高级DEI官员可以放弃时间限制.


在收到报告或投诉后, DEI小组将对报告的信息进行初步审查. 初步审查将根据报告的行为决定是否有必要采取进一步行动, 以及学校对当事人是否有管辖权. 一旦这个评估完成, 如果报告要求采取进一步行动, DEI小组将把报告送到相应的办公室.

在收到报告或投诉后, ODEI将确保向报告方提供这些HBI报告程序的副本, 被告知他们的权利和责任, and given the opportunity to participate in 入会会议 with the Senior DEI Officer to discuss available options, 包括但不限于临时行动, 和资源.

在收到仇恨犯罪或偏见事件的报告或投诉后, DEI高级官员将对报告的信息进行初步审查. 初步审查将根据报告的行为决定是否有必要采取进一步行动, 以及学校对当事人是否有管辖权.


  • 投诉的性质和情况;
  • 报告方和大学社区的安全;
  • 与安全评估有关的证据或行为模式;
  • 报告方表示的偏好, 如果已知, 关于进一步行动, 包括任何要求不采取行动的要求;
  • A Reporting Party's request for privacy or anonymity; and
  • 评估投诉是否可能转介至FSUPD.

在初步评估结束时, 如果适用的话, 入会会议, DEI高级官员将确定下一步的适当步骤, 包括但不限于, 决定:

  • 的 alleged conduct may constitute a 仇恨犯罪 and should be referred to FSUPD; and/or
  • 被指控的行为可能违反学生行为准则,应提交给学生教务处, Office of Student Affairs as a potential 学生 conduct violation; and/or
  • 的 alleged conduct may violate the Policy Prohibiting Discriminatory Behavior and further investigation by ODEI is warranted; and/or
  • Interim Measures should be provided as implemented; and/or
  • 报告的事件应考虑作进一步调查, consistent with the factors described above; or
  • 与现有资料和报告方的要求相一致, no further investigation proceed and a request for Interim Measures be considered; or
  • 被指控的行为不构成潜在的HBI或违反其他大学政策, 不应采取进一步行动.

的se steps above will be taken within fifteen (15) business days of the Complainant receiving receipt of the complaint.  如果确定投诉没有适当地提出, 投诉人将被书面告知原因.  大学也可自行决定展开调查.


An investigation will begin when the 初步评估 results in a determination that the Senior DEI Officer will investigate the complaint. 的 Senior DEI Officer shall issue Notice of 调查 and provide the Complainant and 被调查者 写 notice of the Complaint.


  • 双方都有权进行公正的调查;
  • 双方均有权出示相关文件, 目击者, and other material they would like the investigation to include; and,
  • 双方可自行选择一名顾问在场,为双方提供建议和支持, 顾问不得代表当事人发言或行动.

高级DEI官员将进行适当的, 可靠的, 对投诉进行公正的调查. 的 Complainant and the 被调查者 and any other available relevant 目击者 will be interviewed and available relevant documents will be reviewed.


在法律允许的范围内, 所有参与调查或投诉的人士均须保密, except in so far as information needs to be disclosed so that the University may effectively investigate the matter or take corrective measures. 保密 during and after the conclusion of an investigation is of utmost importance and is the responsibility of all involved persons. 违反大学政策的未经授权的披露可能导致纪律处分和/或其他制裁.


在确定是否发生了政策违规时, 审查的标准是“证据优势”,这意味着HBI更有可能发生.


无正当理由, all parties and identified 目击者 shall cooperate during the investigation by being available during reasonable business hours to discuss the complaint and by making available any relevant information requested by the Senior DEI Officer


的 Senior DEI Officer seeks to complete an investigation within forty-five (45) business days and may extend the time frames set forth in this Policy for good cause. 这个时间框架的例外情况可能因调查的复杂程度而异, 接触有关各方, 以及所谓HBI的严重程度和程度.


Anyone who knowingly files a false complaint or who knowingly      provides false information during an investigation will be subject to appropriate disciplinary action.


DEI高级官员应拟备一份书面调查报告; 调查结果公告, 包括一份指控摘要, 证据审查和证人陈述, 材料事实的发现, 对这些事实的分析, 最后是结论.  如果适用的话, the report will provide options for substantive resolution of the complaint and recommendations for corrective measures or sanctions.


  • 发生了可能违反其他大学政策的HBI;
  • the HBI did occur but did not violate a University policy; or
  • 没有足够的证据证明在本政策下发生了HBI.

DEI高级官员将提供一份 调查结果公告 致各方.  内部资料 调查结果公告 是否可以修改以符合适用的法律.

的 Complainant and/or 被调查者 may submit a 写 appeal to the Senior DEI Officer within five (5) business days of the date of receipt of the 调查结果公告. 上诉的范围限于新的相关案件, 物证,一个合理勤勉的人不可能在签发之前发现 调查结果公告.  由多于一方提出的上诉将在一个上诉审查程序中一并考虑.        一方提交的所有上诉文件将与另一方共享。. 

如双方均未提出上诉, 该决定将被视为最终的五(5)个工作日后,任何一方收到的最后日期 调查结果公告. 五(5)个工作日后提交的申诉将被拒绝, 除非有正当理由.  高级DEI官员将对任何上诉进行审查和裁决,上诉将列入 调查结果公告.

调查结果公告 将提供给所有各方,如适用,按如下方式转发:

  • 如果违反了其他学校的政策, the Office or Individual responsible for oversight of that Policy shall receive the report and any further actions taken must be appended to the 调查结果公告.
  • 在答辩人是 教员, the Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost (or designee) shall receive the report and any further actions taken must be appended to the 调查结果公告.
  • 在答辩人是 学生, the Vice President for Student Affairs (or designee) shall receive the report and any further actions taken must be appended to the 调查结果公告.
  • 在答辩人是 教职员(非教职员), 的 Chief Human 资源 Officer (or designee) shall receive the report and any further actions taken must be appended to the 调查结果公告.









(由澳门十大赌城官方网站校长临时批准,2022年2月25日. 须经治理单位批准.)



除了或作为大学报告被禁止行为的程序的替代方案, 禁止行为报告, 可以向以下外部机构备案吗. 寻求向这些机构提交申请的个人应尽快与之联系, 核实任何适用的归档时限和截止日期.

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